Float Studios

Float Studios is an official Minecraft Marketplace partner. They have published 27 pieces of Minecraft Bedrock Edition content so far. Float Studios are most renowned for creating maps.


Red Monster Hoodie on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Red Monster Hoodie

RGB Creeper Suit on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

RGB Creeper Suit

RGB Gamer Creeper on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

RGB Gamer Creeper

RGB Trousers on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

RGB Trousers

Sunglasses Creeper on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Sunglasses Creeper

Forest Craft AddOn on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Forest Craft AddOn

Head Spinning on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Head Spinning

Lost on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios


Tiptoe on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios


Dark Skeleton on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Dark Skeleton

Fox Mask on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Fox Mask

Shrine Dress on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Shrine Dress

Striped Skirt on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Striped Skirt

Winged Headphones on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Winged Headphones

Gamer Head on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Gamer Head

Red Burst Trousers on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Red Burst Trousers

Void Eye on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Void Eye

Wolf Life on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Wolf Life

Ender Burst Shirt on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Ender Burst Shirt

Monster Hoodie on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Monster Hoodie

Chest Pets AddOn 11 on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Chest Pets AddOn 11

Egg Tycoon on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Egg Tycoon

Wolf Evolve on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Wolf Evolve

Only Up MC on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Only Up MC

Axolotl Evolve on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

Axolotl Evolve

The Backrooms Pink Dreams on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

The Backrooms Pink Dreams

The Backrooms Party Time on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

The Backrooms Party Time

The Backrooms on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios

The Backrooms

Bigfoot on the Minecraft Marketplace by Float Studios


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29 products

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